Master in Education: Curriculum from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), in the research line of New Technologies in Education, in which he investigated the insertion and [...]
Master in Communications and Culture in Latin America, at the Postgraduate Program in Latin American Integration at USP (Prolam). Currently, Phd Student on the same Program. Graduated in Social [...]
Executive Secretary of Midiativa – Brazilian Media Center for Children and Adolescents and producer at Singular, Mídia e content (current). Graduated in Letters (port. and esp.), Master and [...]
Cultural Producer trained in Classical Letters and Graduated in Education (1994 and 1995 – USJT). Visiting student at the Université Aix-Marseille (France/1998). Specialization in Project [...]
Sandra has been Administrative and Projects Consultant at Midiativa since 2003. She is responsible for the Institution’s Financial Control, Accountability, Documents Organization and [...]