Jean Rafael TomceacFiscal Council

    Master in Education: Curriculum from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), in the research line of New Technologies in Education, in which he investigated the insertion and use of games in the dynamics of the classroom and training of public school teachers state of São Paulo. Graduated in Technology and Digital Media, also from PUC-SP. He is the manager of Research and Scientific Initiation at Faculdade SEBRAE, carrying out research activities applied to innovation and technology with the sponsor (SEBRAE). Performs activities at the interface with research data in programs such as Brasil + ALI/CNPQ, economic development and social impact projects. Teaches postgraduate (specialization) and MBA classes, as well as teaching undergraduate courses in Technology, responsible for subjects such as Creative Programming, Application and Website Development, Agile Methods, Advanced Topics in Technology, Scientific Thinking and Methodology, among others. . He also works as a professor at the Latu Sensu Graduate Program in Engineering and Technology at the Anhembi-Morumbi University (UAM) in the STEAM area, teaching courses in Game Development, User Experience (UX), Experience Design and Applied Narrative Games.He also collaborates as a professor at Faculdade Criativa Méliès, teaching in the undergraduate course in Design responsible for the discipline of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). He received a scholarship (TT – level 5) from the Support Foundation for the University of São Paulo (FUSP) under the REDEFOR Project, working on content creation, educational design and innovation in the Science course at UNIVESP. He was part of CS:Games, a research group on Games of the Graduate Program in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP, participating in the study of self-referentiality. In the public and third sector, he worked on projects related to innovation, technology, games, education and training, such as at the Innovation Center for Brazilian Education (CIEB), where he was Education coordinator, at Associação Saber Fazer as a founding member and coordinator of projects and, at the Brazilian Center for Media for Children and Adolescents, Midiativa, of which he is currently a member of the fiscal council, co-founder and editorial consultant of the Festival Comkids Interativo. In addition to Strategy, ICT and Education Manager at the Science Film Festival – BR (SFF-BR). In the professional area, he has national and international experience as a mentor and consultant for projects and startups in Technology, Education, Social Impact and Entrepreneurship, with activities in reference institutions such as: SEBRAE-SP, HundrED.Org, Min. TIC (Government of Colombia), SENAC/SP, Goethe Institut (São Paulo and Munich), Instituto Ânima, among others. In academia, Jean has been working on Innovation, Science and Technology (ICT) projects such as the CATALISA ICT program, where he had a project selected from innovation impact research. It also publishes in the area of ​​STEAM, Education and Innovation, through stamps from the Stanford Graduate School of Education, Teachers College Columbia University, Editora Pensa…, as well as extending its activities in courses and workshops with institutions such as Oxford International Education, between others.

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