Graduated in Social Communication with a degree in Audiovisual in Venezuela, and post-graduated in Audiovisual Production from the Spanish university Alcalá de Henares. She worked as a producer at Vale TV, a Venezuelan educational channel, and in Brazilian and Spanish production houses. She has worked in film festivals and festivals in SP and RJ. A cultural producer and edu communicator, Paula worked in the Pedagogical Team of “Cinema for All”, a partnership between the Culture and Education Secs. of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and in the Energy that Transforms Project, a partnership between Canal Futura and NeoEnergia. Tutor for the course “Children’s quality TV: from production to realization” by Midiativa (2015 and 2016). She integrated the comKids 2011, 2013 and 2015 production team, and was also the pedagogical mediator of the children’s jury in different editions.